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Second half of 2024

It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but as I successfully turned 62 [...]

2024 TRY Gymkhana TAMADA

This year, I went to participate in the TRY Gymkhana, which was held at Sportsland [...]

What will happen in the second half?

After spending the first half of the season, I was able to confirm the potential [...]

Today I am 62 years old

It seems like just the other day I turned 60, but it’s already my 62nd [...]

Z650 + Q5A SRTT Hyper

We will be participating in SRTT Street Hyper at Tomin Motorland on July 28th. The [...]

Second gym training, Z650 setup

I brought the Z650 to my second gymkhana practice session. Based on the data from [...]

Z650 setup

The Z650 was chosen as a machine that can be enjoyed on touring, mountain roads, [...]

We’re doing it again this year “Run with The KING Sakuta Event”

The event will be held again this year at Tsukinowa Driving School in Shiga Prefecture. [...]
