This time I made a foot guard for the Yamaha WR 250.
The task is to protect your feet when you fall! Do not sacrifice bank angle!
Keep strength! And do not get in the way of riding!
While clearing the four points, I tried to make it look as though I looked as much as possible.
Motard vehicles riders ride ahead of time I definitely want to make SSB
It will be difficult to process pipes going to the back.
Wearing a good position while maintaining the strength, WR was a car that worried considerably around that.
And it is completed here!
I was able to clear the problem by making the front mount as a separate body.
And I succeeded in securing this much footroom space when I overturned!
This owner seems to have broken his leg when falling down
If we can secure enough space for this, the impact to the fracture disappears
I think that it will become possible to attack more.