NC 750X also ran 17,500? In a year, but in the meantime a new model was announced Reading a test ride improved the engine! Often seeing such evaluation It was very interesting. The other day I had the opportunity to test a friend's new type NC 750X. Then clearly there is powerfulness in the engine. […]
Author Archives: Takayoshi Sakuta
We tested CO concentrations in normal mufflers and external mufflers with ECUs rewritten in my vehicle As a result, the CO test can be cleared without problems even with a normal muffler or an external muffler. However, as the value changes even with air cleaner, engine oil, etc., depending on the situation There might be […]
This time I made SSB for Suzuki Inazuma 400. Overall it was a vehicle that was easy to make, but I tried improving the strength by devising some places. In addition, we produce a bumper width of 690? Against the full width of 740? On the vehicle inspection. We cleared the fall test successfully. How […]
This time I made SSB for Honda VFR 750F. It is very simple to say that this vehicle will be on sale in 1986, so it was easy to make. Structural enough strength was also obtained, and lightweight and sufficiently protective thing was completed. We cleared the fall test successfully. How is it?
This time I made the SSB for Aprilia's MANA 850. As you can see from this car, photos, especially with regard to the left side The part to which the bumper can be attached is not exposed. At first it was a dreadful situation, but somehow thought of how to install It was completed. In […]
Here we are leaving the 2nd. It is the beginning of the second half battle. Always street 5: 30 departing south south of R 55 and aim for Muroto Cape. Since I am getting tired, running through Mattari and the coastline is thinking as planned as I thought from before the departure. However – even […]
Today I am leaving at 5:30, get up at 5 o'clock. However, the weather forecast is very bad and it is inevitable to get off on the way. Pond I accompany you ZRX, because the rear tire is a stupid car yesterday I was supposed to send you to West Pref. IC as saying that […]
5: 30 It is colder than I thought supposing to go out preparing on a scheduled departure · · · This is no matter how to climb the mountain from now on. Start with the mid-winter specification by saying. When I ran, the temperature gauge on the road is indicated as 7 ° C! It […]
It is scheduled for a consecutive holiday in May this year, but I decided to go around Shikoku over about a week. Last year I went to Kyushu by car with my colleagues and toured only locally Thanks to the long distance performance of the NC 750X purchased since then, this year is a solo […]
This time I made SSB for Kawasaki Z1000 "ZR1000A". I was producing it before this vehicle, but it was a difficult car to produce "at that time" I was making one on off · We have accumulated various experiences over the course of the current month Since there was a request for production anew, I […]
This time Kawasaki's famous car SS 500! I made SSB and muffler guard for Mach 3. This machine! It's a machine called release in 1969, so there are almost no parts I worked hard to respond to the request of the owner who wanted to protect the whole. However, it says that there is a […]
This time I made SSB for Kawasaki ZZR 250 which I made before. This vehicle! There is no place to support on the lower side, it is a very difficult vehicle. We also made some contrivances at the last time, but as I watched the date and time passed It will be visible one by […]
This time I made SSB for Suzuki impulse 400. Radiator hose etc. There were some parts to disturb, but bumper with sufficient protection capability was completed. Although the owner says it is a novice woman, I made it slightly larger than usual The size change has become a structure with no problem. We cleared the […]
After purchasing the NC 750X last June, I got on the 10000? Mark in 7 months. Even in my long motorbike life there is no motorcycle that exceeds 10000 as soon as possible. Moreover, while doing gymkhana, even by myself amazingly high pace (^ – ^; NC 750X It is fun to run to myself […]
Because we aim to go to many touring in 2016 I went to solo touring immediately. The destination is Shionomisaki at the southernmost tip of Honshu! It is a journey of 600 km one way from home. The most scary thing in this season is after all snow! I glanced at the weekend until the […]
2015年度は一年間通して体調を崩す事無く全ての用事をクリアする事が出来ました。 北は北海道、中部、愛媛、九州、そして沖縄と日本全国へ遠征してジムカーナの仲間との交流ができました。 ダンロップ大会においてはJAPANで念願の総合優勝が出来て記憶に残る最高のシーズンとなりました。 最終的に決まったゼッケンは5番! 53歳、現行車両のMT07としては最高の成績だと思います。 また個人的には今までの人生でやり残している、本格的な長距離ツーリングを始めました。 相棒に選んだのはNC750X! ジムカーナの練習や大会の間を縫ってのツーリングになりましたが 5月は二人で九州ツーリング「ここまではMT09] 6月はシングルで長野〜静岡のしらびそツーリング 7月は3人で志賀草津ツーリング 8月は6人で能登ツーリング 9月は団体でおやきツーリング 10月はシングルで福井〜伊勢志摩ツーリング 11月はミニでしまなみ海道ツーリング 12月は下田へjrツーリング こう見ると毎月泊のツーリングに行ってますね(^-^; 2016年については、ダンロップタイヤワンメイクと言う大きな変更のあるシーズンですが どうにか調整をして2015シーズン以上の成績を収められるように頑張りたいと思います・ 遠征も昨年同様に日本全国に行って走りたいと思ってます。 またツーリングにおいては長く続いているおやきツーリングはもちろん jrツーリング、志賀草津ツーリングと多人数のツーリングに行きます。 またシングルのツーリングとして1月の潮岬ツーリングを皮切りに 四国や岩手青森にも行きたいな〜と思ってます。 一年間ほとんど休みなく行事が埋まってしまう予定ですので 体調管理をしっかりとして充実した一年にしたいと思います。 最後にSSBもより良い物が出来るように!頑張って制作していきますので これからもよろしくお願いします・ 会社的にはバイクの仲間やお客さんが遊びに来れるスペースを作る予定にしていますので その時にはブログにて発表しますので来て頂けると嬉しいです。 では2016年度もよろしくお願いいたします。
We invite Kawasaki shop outbans in Ginowan City, Okinawa, to host a shop I participated in the riding, gymkhana running meeting & workshop. Participation in this event is also my 4th year, but since last year I brought my own ZRX 1200 and joined. Now we are leaving for a paradise in the south. The […]
I injured my left hand while working. There is a machine called shirring, but with the tip of little finger caught in the thing that suppresses the board of it I peeled off my little finger nails. Because I could not stop my blood, I went to a doctor and got me treated, so I […]
This time I made SSB for the Suzuki GSXR 750 1992 model. The basic structure is still normal SSB, but since the straight pipe can be used in the back pipe I think that durability is enough. I installed the cut of the cowl so please have a picture of naked And this is the […]