It is likely to be in the beginning of April! The arrival of gaskets was firmly in place at the end of March If the hypothesis is over, can we ride in early April? At that time Leo Vinci is also scheduled to arrive and the renewed DRZ is about to run out of town! […]
engine << Date of creation: 2006/03/16 15: 49 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 4 This time, change the piston to JE piston, cam to HOTCAMS and change the valve I changed the seat. The angle can be changed freely by saying cams outside the company Although it is a type, […]
Weekend Touring << Date of creation: 2006/03/16 11: 12 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 0 It became useless (: _;) I entered work earlier yesterday, but work stopped due to trouble continuation Because I had various problems, I got a little more time to finish (: _;) More details later […]
When I got the confirmation today the head confirmed that it will arrive tomorrow morning! We will set up the engine from tomorrow evening and all will be completed by midnight I put a reservation for the automobile inspection on Thursday in Toyota so I will be able to ride on Friday. The user is […]
Rear shock finished << Date of creation: 2006/03/13 09: 36 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 0 I went to pick up the suspension at the interval on Saturday. I told that it was a good feeling without any problems. By having done OH, the damper will also work throughout the […]
I understood that the mail arrived from the shop It is said that the father of the owner passed away on Wednesday due to illness. It can not be helped for such reasons to be late! I am praying for your soul's fellowship with this occasion. Also because the head is said to be shipped […]
Relaxing at home · · · even irritated << Date of creation: 2006/03/11 11: 12 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 5 Today was scheduled to build a DRZ engine from the morning on schedule. No, actually it was supposed to be built on Thursday and today I am going to […]
Contents Nickname / date / time I see. I understood and understood the word precedence, but I understood the meaning properly. It is surprising that I do not know exactly the words you hear in daily life. Higashi Haruhira 2006/03/07 13: 09 Even at Motard, if you are watching the drift of a fast man, […]
All of the technology is condensed in this figure of 8. So it can be said that it starts with the letter 8 and ends with the letter 8 I think that it is an important exercise. This is not limited to gymkhana but HMS super intra Mr. Suzuki also agreed when I was talking […]
06 season << Date of creation: 2006/03/07 08: 49 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 0 This year's Dunlop also decided the first game on 26th March and it is finally getting started! I am thinking about entry in ZRX 1100 of course this year. As I wrote in the previous […]
I will go live again tomorrow! Do you remember this time? It is live in Minami Katsutsu (^ _ ^) v I'm new to this, but is the story interesting and good? Songs are nostalgic too! I guess there are lots of pubs on the way back! And the day after tomorrow a certain B […]
Suspension Overhaul << Date and time of creation: 2006/03/03 08: 44 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 3 I will begin preparing for this season in earnest in about March. First of all I decided to put out for overhaul of rear suspension. It is okay to do it myself, but […]
I am doing gymkhana for a long time, but still in Hokkaido tournament I had not been out. I was able to go to Sapporo convention on May 5th! ! Crackling (^ _ ^) v I could also make a reservation for a ferry to go! After that we make reservations for tournament entries and […]
Looking back on the MJ Cup << Date of creation: 2006/03/02 09: 43 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 0 This time Okegawa is the worst condition called strong rain at the temperature below 6 ℃, both tires and putt It got cooler and steadily braked and the tire no longer […]
What should I do~ << Date of creation: 2006/02/24 22:22 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 13 When I saw that there are critical opinions in a certain 2 chan, I also reflect a bit on my own. Originally I did not introduce this blog anywhere and intend to write what […]
Bumper production << Date and time of creation: 2006/02/23 22:20 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 7 The other day, I made a friend ZZR 1100 bumper! How to go ahead with the naked ZZR? And which position is effective? Also, where to take a heavy bike as a support? And […]
Ganbare Papa Rider << Date of creation: 2006/02/21 08: 39 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 6 It is unfortunate for children that you can not see the parents who are desperately pursuing something on TV this time! There was a person saying. Modern people, especially salaried workers can not show […]
What is a good motorcycle for beginners recommended by gymkhana rider as part of the upcoming issue in motorbike magazine? I wrote a little comment as I said! Honestly I do not have much chances to ride the latest bikes, to be honest, I do not know until I try it I bothered my head, […]
A very fun gymkaa, but there are things that are not enough as races! That 's a rule I'm crazy! At this stage there are firm rules of racing Course-in or course-out, casualty such as when a fallen person or course disorder exists There are rules that seem to be better if you have decided […]
The office tea cup was held yesterday at Tingmin Motorland! Very nice weather and a peaceful atmosphere, "But when I ran, seriously" I had a wonderful day (^ _ ^) v And this time it was a day that I thought it was a bit busy to say that it is also a game and […]