I will write about how I do the basic operation and assembling it. Please think about the difference between your assembly and thought from there. I think that it is quite difficult to understand here but it is convenient. ? Turn in from braking by straight! At this time it is natural to slow down […]
A blog is << Date of creation: 2006/01/12 09: 16 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 8 Somehow it seems like a technology classroom ~ I was doing this while confirming my own technology myself. I feel a little persistent (^ _ ^;) But I will write it carefully as a […]
Motorcycles have basic constructions and movements and characteristics. ? It is a vehicle that runs on two wheels ? Bend and turn when the steering wheel is turned off There is a change in posture by having a suspension It is rear wheel drive ? Grip force will increase if the tire gives too much […]
Stepwork << Date of creation: 2006/01/11 09: 14 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 4 Say step-weighted stepwork or various step-by-step workshops and practice sessions I think that there are things to hear words. But I feel that quite a few people are falling down in the pitfalls of that word. […]
Dunlops cup DVD was released from Moto Bito 2005 season I mounted the in-vehicle camera twice in that, but that story and a little explanation. In the first it is a place where tire movement and movement of F suspension can be seen well I loaded a small camera under the slash guard of ZRX […]
Nakai Endurance Race Workshop << Date of creation: 2006/01/03 22:46 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 2 Today was the official practice session for Nakai 6 hours endurance! It is a mini endurance race centered on KSR 2, but it is a race that gymkhana's top riders gathered together for fellowship. […]
I always hear Southern at the convention venue, when I am walking, when I am training an image. That's right I am a big fan of Southern! When Southern is flowing in the convention venue it is good up to grades ~ But I did not listen when I ran why … Why? I have […]
I tested 2 types of new tires recently released from Dunlop. It is qualifier and 209 GP. First of all, qualifier is like an excellent sports tire! In comparison with its 208RR, the grip force will fall by 2 ranks for both wet and dry ~ Although both handling are neutral, RR feels easier to […]
Cut the steering wheel << Date of creation: 2005/12/25 22:20 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 0 Bikes are not limited to gymkhana but the steering wheel is out of hand and it is bent. Especially gimcana is often cut until you get a handle lock. Let's consider the task of […]
I do not want to work with gimcana only when I started gymkhana! I'd like to ride in any world! I have been thinking. So I tried avoiding the riding that I manipulate with small buddies even on a fine course. But how much do you think so yourself in practice does not apply your […]
I want to become a champion! I do not think that it will change no matter what time I say I want to continue riding a motorcycle at the current level now more than it! That thought is strong. Since the physical ability is certainly declining age, maintaining physical strength and flexibility, maintaining dynamic body […]
I am now 43 years old. . I'm totally in the middle of a middle class (^ _ ^;) I am confident in my physical strength and I do not feel a decline in physical strength yet I began muscle training since around 2 months ago after thinking about the future. At first, I did […]
Mental state in champion fight << Date of creation: 2005/12/20 16:37 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 2 I have experienced the situation that one winning the final race several times will become a champion! And I've won by winning my strength! Considering the state of mind at that time, one […]
In recent sports it has come to be said that the mental aspect occupies a very large weight! I think that the mental part such as image training is important, especially in the game called gymkana. People think that the way of image training is different, but I write a little of my way. ? […]
How do you practice weight shift? Of course you are riding a motorcycle, are not you? But it can not be as easy as it seems that the bike actually moves! Actually I was not able to do it in the first place! Especially like gymkhana, it moves quickly With things something will unexpectedly be […]
What are the tricks to run machines fast in motor sports, not just gymkhana? The most important thing to think about is to open the accelerator long and long! This is all a translation. And for all technologies this will become the base and everything will go on. So long to open up the accelerator? […]
Since this is not everything, please listen lightly ~ Weight shifting for banking is done more or less for any rider. But fast riders are different from that! Keeping the same position for bike collapsing due to weight shift Unity with motorcycle It falls. But late riders will overtake the body and bike will fall […]
I think that riding is the one that reflects the character of the rider. I think that the shape will change due to the entrance being different even if the aim is to be together. Even among those persons it is great to have an impact on riding "Afraid! Is not it!" It also greatly […]
The reason I started gymkhana. << Date of creation: 2005/11/25 23:22 >> Blog feeling ball 0 / trackback 0 / comment 8 That was around 26 years old, already 10 years passed since I got a license and passed a limited release at once, full of confidence It was! In those days Solo Touring to […]