Z250SL Gymkhana spec in production

I’ve had a Z250SL for a while now, but I’ve been using it on the circuit, lending it to friends, and going to mountain passes.
I’ve used it in a variety of ways.
When I first bought it, it was in its normal condition and even entered the Jimu Chaya Cup.


Last year I sent it to Okinawa and used it, but I returned it from Okinawa and the KX112 has become satisfactory to a certain extent, so
This time, I started working on finishing up the Z250SL into a gymkhana specification.


First, we started by clarifying the negative aspects of using this machine for gymkhana.
①Poor position
②Poor rear traction
3) Handling is too sharp
④The brakes don’t work
④The engine is difficult to handle


Steps ① to ④ will involve part replacement and setup, and will proceed as normal.
For ④ the brakes, we were lucky because we could use the parts that we had tested for the Ninja 400.


Regarding ⑤, the engine of this machine is tuned for the circuit and the engine is controlled by the full computer “ARACER”.
The vehicle was very unstable at low speeds and very difficult to drive, and it was really difficult to pick up engine torque with the accelerator from extremely low speeds.
I was using the clutch to get around it.
So I decided to start seriously adjusting the Z250SL’s engine control, which had been haphazard, for gymkhana use.
Fuel adjustment, ignition timing and many other things.
Identify what is wrong with the engine, investigate the cause, make adjustments, and write it down.
Run, examine the results and move on to the next step! This is the cycle.
With each repetition, you will gradually understand the characteristics of this engine and the direction of engine control.
As was the case with the Ninja 400, it’s easy to just produce power, but the question is how to control it and turn it into speed.
Controlling a single engine at extremely low speeds is particularly difficult.
Recently, it has become common to use a recluse to cover up these issues, but I want to drive using throttle control and my own control, so I thoroughly understand the engine, adjust it to my liking, and aim for an engine that will not disappoint me.


At this stage, I feel like I’ve somehow managed to do something gymkhana-like! I hope I can improve a bit more by the time of the Jimu Chaya Cup.



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