This time I made SSB for the latest type Kawasaki Versus 650. Basically the frame is the same shape, but it seems that hands are coming in from the 2015 model considerably I made it as a new work. This time you say that you want to cut and install the cowl yourself I do […]
Author Archives: Takayoshi Sakuta
Yesterday, Saitama Prefecture went to the final round of the Dunlop Cup held in Okegawa Rainbow Saitama. It was full wet in the morning, but it got quite dry at the time of the A class run, and the condition of the road surface It was a difficult and difficult situation, but I'm running on […]
This time I have produced the SSB for D type "2010-2013" of Kawasaki Z1000. I had it for models after 2014, but even if the frame is the same The side frame was different and it was in a state where diversion was impossible. Though it is for Z1000 this time, as much as possible […]
Since we got new information on SSB for MT25 MT03 released from Yamaha We will report. By saying that it will be able to install SSB for R25 which was released earlier and our company already produced The customer actually tried wearing it, I informed that I can wear it without problems. It is said […]
It is 6 o'clock in the morning, it is time to depart until yesterday, but today is different. It is a start from a morning bath as it is a lodging with a total Hinoki bath It is time for Ise Bay Ferry to investigate last night. Do you take the 9:30 and ease the […]
Now, what am I supposed to do? I was troubled since I got to the inn ~ The initial schedule is accommodation ~ Rainbow line ~ Angel line of the inner and outer sea peninsula ~ R162 southward. . Change the schedule greatly,. Departed at 6 o'clock in the Maizuru Wakasa Expressway to Ohama and […]
Preliminary preparation is difficult for touring from the first week of the week. I almost finished preparations on Thursday and I let you leave immediately on Friday. Well the long Friday is over and we are leaving at last (^ ^) / Since I was ready, I leave before 6 o'clock. But this time it […]
2カ月前ほどに、10/24〜26日に時間が出来たのでツーリングを企画しました。 まず今回はソロツーリングで決定! では何処に行こうか? そんな時BSでやっている「峠」と言う番組で、三方五湖レインボーラインを取り上げていたのを見て ここに行きたい!と言う事で決まり! 良い景色があったら止まって写真を撮れる余裕が欲しいから一日の移動距離を400?程度で 抑えたい。その距離感で3日間で家まで帰って来れるルート。 ルートを繋いでみると二日目の宿泊地は伊勢志摩にしよう!それで決定(^^)/ じゃあ1泊目はどうする?その前に高速で行くルートなのか?下道か? 俺らしく当然出来る限り峠を繋いで行こう。 そうなると福井まで一直線でつないでみると、本州をぶった切る感じになるじゃん!良いね〜 じゃあどんなルートがある? こんな時はツーリングマップルとグーグルマップを重ねて道選び! でもクネクネを走って行ける距離感が掴めない・・・・・ 出来れば早朝の車の少ない時間帯にレイボーラインを走りたいから 早朝に入れる距離に宿を取りたい・・・・ そうだ!だったら金曜日仕事が終わってら直ぐに出て峠の入り口の伊那に宿取っちゃえば 時間の余裕ができそうだ! と言う事で金曜日出発も決定(^^)/ じゃあ一番近い敦賀に宿を取ろう!こうなるとどんどん決まってっちゃいます。 敦賀からは出来る限り若狭を堪能してから南下して・・・ 他に何処か良い所ないかな?琵琶湖でしょ! その他は? そうだ! 以前 新名神のPAで見たパンフレットに載っていた青土ダムを見に行きたい! 紀伊半島はどこまで南下できる? わかんね〜 まあソロツーリングだからその場その場で判断して決めよう 大体のルートは決定、宿も決定〜 あとはどれだけ自分で判断しながら初めてのルートを 正確に楽しくツーリングを満喫しながら走れるのか? 自分試しのツーリングが始まります。
10月11日茨城県のトミンモーターランドにてダンロップカップジムカーナ JAPAN大会に出場してきました。 全国各地からの代表が集まるジムカーナ大会。 このJAPANは2000年から始まって今年で15年目、チャンピオンを取っていた頃から 一度も勝った事がない、自分が唯一手に入れていない勝ち星でした。 それが2015年 53歳のJAPAN大会で初めて優勝する事が出来ました。 通常のダンロップカップでも実に4501日振りの優勝と言う事です。 ジムカーナの神様がずっと頑張ってきた俺に与えてくれた優勝。 そんな気がしてなりません。 頑張ってきて良かった〜
This time I made SSB for W650 "800". Basically it does not get in the way of running compact public roads The body was protected at the time of falling and the body was able to protect as much as possible. Basically the car body side can be installed without machining. I cleared the falling […]
This time I made Yamaha's new SS25 for R25. The structure was able to be produced with the usual type. I think that it was possible to make things enough for strength. I firmly attached it cleanly. Clear the fall test successfully. Since the rear slider is not attached to this vehicle, the left side […]
Suddenly, I plan to sell Yamaha MT09. If you are interested please contact us. Special Tuning of me and Unopauno is given in front and back Orleans Suspension. Acklabovic full-eyed scarf Gail speed master cylinder Gail speed clutch holder kit World performance sheet Rizma handle Power Commander And so on It has become like this […]
I entered Wakkanai from Rebunjima at 19:30. Then we had dinner and checked in at the inn. Despite being late with … … I got up firmly ~ To Soya Cape is a morning can touring. Compared to the island, Wakkanai is a city! Start a wide road and aim for Soya Cape at National […]
Now it's time to start the morning can of Rishiri Island. What makes you tired of the previous day, departs at 4:15 and makes it sunrise at 4:30. While feeling the northernmost air, I will start running with the noisy way slowly As my partner is Grom, I stopped immediately as soon as I was […]
I went to an expedition concurrently as a trip to Hokkaido this year with the invitation from Mr. A Yajima. Last year I went around the Shiretoko area in the east, so this year I aimed for Rishiri Island, Rebunjima in North North. This year we will also go down to Tomakomai for a ferry […]
This time I have produced the SSB for the new GSXS1000 just out. While sufficiently satisfying the size and height required as a bumper “Shroud processing is unnecessary by changing the structure and floating the shroud part” A product with high guard abilities was completed without damaging the image of the vehicle. I got a […]
53 years passed so quickly ~ I began riding a motorcycle 37 years ago, 26 years since I started gymkhana! It was time between saying this as well. However, I think that you have lived a fulfilling life by themselves. I also had a good family, including my wife. And I think that it is […]
I took part in the second race of the JAGE Cup after transferring to MT07. It was a rainy day event this evening. The MT 07 has also advanced considerably in this month and it got pretty good. Still it still has a difference from the top 3, so this time it is a slipper […]
今回はカワサキのバリオス250用のSSBを制作しました。 全体に制作するためのイメージはすんなりと出来上がったのですが 一つの問題点として、左後ろ側のエンジンハンガーがスプロケットカバーと干渉してしまう 事でした。 避けるのも手なのですが、ここはオーナーとの話し合いと 避けるよりは直接取った方が強度的のにも、出来上がりもスッキリすると言う事で スプロケットカバーの加工で対処しました。 そして転倒テストになったのですが。 この車両、タンデムステップがかなり内側に追い込んであるので SSBを付けた状態でもかなり寝てしまいます。 こういう車両には特にリヤスライダーは有効です! きっちりと車両が止まってくれるようになりました。 如何でしょうか?