This time I made SSB for SUPER DUKE 990 of KTM. I think that a secure SSB has been completed though it is a narrow installation space. Clear the fall test successfully! I was concerned that the protruding clutch housing also protected without grounding. How is it?
Category Archives: Bunta’s Initial B
Translated from Japanese.
I am enjoying a big bike gymkana with ZRX 1200 this season. After all the big bike gymkhana is attractive and cool! I think so, I thought it was no mistake. However, the depression of physical strength and physical ability that I thought was no longer better than planned Because it is few, I started […]
This time I made SSB and rear slider for Honda's CB 1000 R. Basically it is the same structure as the Hornet 600. This CB 1000 R has a radiator sub tank between the shroud and the frame Production could not be done as it was in close contact with the frame. So, how to […]
This time I made a SSB and a rear slider for MT 07 just out of Yamaha. It is very easy to make so that the items with both strength and design are satisfactory. The fall test was also sufficiently cleared. 07, basically the rear slider does not ground. As the effect comes out, it […]
This time I made SSB for Honda CBR 1100 xx Super Black Bird. Like the Kawasaki ZX 9R we made last time, I wanted to add SSB to the place I wanted to add an engine hanger etc. Because of the structure without bolt holes and structures, by having the same structure as 9R We […]
This time I made SSB for Kawasaki ZX9R. This vehicle is a perfect hanging type frame, where you want to put a bumper There was no bolt or strength member, invented a new type and made it. On the frame surface, install it so that the force is dispersed with a thick plate, and the […]
This time I made a caliper bolt for MT09! It is a front caliper of MT 09 which uses very normal bolt I tried to make bolts to think that I would dress up a little more. In the world, there are places where stainless steel bolts are used for caliper bolts Yes, but actually […]
This time I made type 2 SSB for Kawasaki ZX10R. Last time it was an SSB that was premised on wearing a cowl This time SSB will be premised to remove the cowl. However, it may be possible to install the cowl depending on the processing of the cowl. The thing of this time is […]
This time I made a SSB for the famous car Z650 Zapper of Kawasaki. This vehicle, a car that used to play gimcana a long time ago! It is 38 years since the release since the release is 1972 I was deeply moved by the very beautiful state. Well, the bumper is also a place […]
昨日はJAGE杯第1戦にMT09で出場してきました。 MT09も慣らしが終え、ジムカーナの練習も4時間位しか出来ていない状況で 無謀にも挑戦してきました。 茨城は雨の予報でドライで走れることなど思ってもいなかったのですが なんと1ヒート目はすっかり路面も乾いてドライで走る事が出来ました。 雨は間違いないと思っていたのでタイヤはS20レボを履いていったのですが 予備に5部山のディアブロを持って行っていたので急遽履き替えての出走です。 ノーマルのサスにハイグリップタイヤを入れると、ただでさえ動きの良いMT09のサスは 躊躇なく入って行ってしまいます。 一度入ると戻ってこないので思い切って切り返しができない状況。 どうしてもサスの動きに合わせて走る為に、動きがワンテンポ遅れてしまうのですが 極低速での合わせが難しい以外はとても扱い易いエンジン特性と加速性ので タイムを縮める事が出来ました。 結果 SBクラス3位入賞! ほぼノーマルである事と練習時間がほとんど無い事を考えれば マシンのポテンシャルを十分証明していると思います。 今後もセッティングをしていき、ジムカーナポテンシャルを上げて行きたいと思います。
In order to debut the JAGE Cup at MT 09, the setting is being changed with normal base + α. I made a gymkaana debut at Kansai Pylon Gimukana the other day Changes in that case are simple sheet processing, final rear 1 short, Front Suspension Oil and Oil Surface Change I just went there. […]
Having your MT09 test drive, the heat got up at a stretch MT 09 I decided to purchase! I've already finished break-in. And before anyone used it to gymkhana, I decided to participate in the first game of the JAGE Cup. I am going on a basic normal basis, but I decided to set the […]
This time I made SSB, rear slider, case guard for YAMAHA MT09 of Yamaha new model vehicle. Although it is SSB first, SSB of the specification which does not become refreshing and does not get in the way and enough strength can be obtained is completed! Also design Then the SSB which is looks refreshed […]
Anyway, the SSB for Yamaha MT09 has been completed! Rear slider etc. are also under construction so it will be next week to finish everything. While maximizing the protection ability, do not damage the design as much as possible! I think that it was completed with a good feeling, so please have a look. I […]
This time I made a handlebar stopper base for Honda Grom. When you run a gymka or a circuit, Grom is over handle too much. So I made a handlebar stopper base to adjust the steering angle of the steering wheel. I installed it using the tank lock bolt and the frame hole! We will […]
Until now, there was one who was diverted for SC 54 and was attached This time again I made SSB for CB 1300 SC 40. Although the basic structure is the same, it seems that it was impossible to divert for SC 54 as well! This time I made it a little big. How is […]
3月23日、快晴の桶川で開催されたダンロップ杯第1戦に行って来ました。 赤ゼッケン4番! これは昨シーズンTE310によって得られたゼッケンですが 今シーズンはZRX1200と言う重量車に4番を付けて走る事にしました。 ジムカーナの魅力の一つに重量車を手足の様に扱うカッコ良さ!と言う物があると 思っています。 その魅力を少しでも伝えるにはまだまだ走れる今の体の状態で 赤ゼッケン4番と言うみんなが見てくれる状況でZRX1200を走らせる事が良いな〜と 思った訳です。 今回のコースはアクセルを開けられる所もあるけど、見た目以上にラインは狭くて コース前半の細かい所は特に重量車では厳しいコースでした。 映像は2ヒート目[embedded content] 全体には良い感じですが、やっぱりすり抜ける様なセクションはやっぱり遅いです。 成績はSBクラス2位 総合14位 どちらもポイントを取れたので初戦としてはまずまずかなと思います。 次のレースはもっと面白い走りが出来れば良いなと思います。
内 容 ニックネーム/日時 SSBのロゴ入りイイですね^ ^ 販売しているのですか? 大澤 2014/03/27 11:01 基本的には非売品ですが 欲しい方には500円でお分けいたします(^_^.) ぶん田 2014/03/31 09:21 ほしいです^^ どうすればいいでしようか? この間のSSB取り付け時にあればちょうどよかったのになぁ。。 大澤 2014/04/01 15:15 返事遅くなっちゃいました。 メールでもください。 送るか直接渡すか決めましょう・。 ぶん田 2014/04/09 10:11 タイトル見たときSSBの軽量版が出たのかと思いました かわっち 2014/04/09 22:21 かわっちさん< 確かに〜〜 ぶん田 2014/04/10 14:52 スズキGSR250-Sバンパー価格 […]
This time I made SSB for Suzuki GSR 250. It was a vehicle that was far harder to produce than this vehicle look! Install it at a height that can obtain the performance of the bumper! To put out strength of installation! We examined from various angles, etc., and eventually it became a bumper of […]
Now popular Honda Grom (GROM)! Even in the gymkhana world, the number of people who buy on the second machine is increasing very much. I also bought it and I am gradually improving it How to set up a weak front fork with no waist, damper I have thought. It is common to use strong […]