I used to have a KSRII, and I used to race it in Kawasaki’s super bikers mini race. Maybe the biggest trophy you have right now is the trophy from that race? I had fun in the race where I ran alternately on the circuit and off-road. While doing gymkhana, I was out for fun, […]
I think the current regulations of Moto Gymkhana have a lot of remnants from when Gymkhana started. In the past, it was mainly used for driving lessons and HMS courses, so it was necessary to have safety parts in order to borrow it. It is a vehicle that can run on public roads when a […]
I think the current regulations of Moto Gymkhana have a lot of remnants from when Gymkhana started. In the past, it was mainly used for driving lessons and HMS courses, so it was necessary to have safety parts in order to borrow it. It is a vehicle that can run on public roads when a […]
The Z900SE should finally be installed, although the parts have been installed and it is basically the final specification. After all, it is natural, but the setting is not likely to end yet. “Vehicles with no one in them take a detour.” Is it an engine characteristic? It’s more powerful than the rider feels, or […]
Yesterday I participated in the 2023 Dunlop Cup Round 1. It was a race in the cold rain, but I was able to run with some peace of mind because the course was on the parking lot side. This is actually the first time I’ve ever ridden in the wet with this bike, so […]
The Japanese 2023 Moto Gymkhana series is about to begin. I can’t wait to see what kind of season it will be. This year’s main bike is the Kawasaki Z900SE 2022 model. The concept of this time is to create a machine that considers the significance of the SB class for SB vehicles! is. […]
The Z900SE was just finished just in time for the Dunlop Cup. The full exhaust muffler was also delivered, so I made a muffler guard for it and set it up in the direction of reducing anti-squat angle while keeping the gear ratio as is. This made the vehicle a bit lighter now to 202.35 […]
This time, I tried to make a more compact shape so that the vehicle weight can be easily measured. Unlike using a weight scale, the power does not go off, and the monitor is separate so it is easy to read. And I made it easy to measure because it was easy to put a […]
In order to decide the 2023 specifications of the Z900SE, we started from the previous day’s Satokana training. Based on what we have tested so far, in order to optimize the balance of the vehicle, we adjusted the balance with the spring rate, oil level, and ride height. With dumping, we were able to create […]
From March 6th to 8th, I went on a touring trip from Hamamatsu to Aichi with Mr. Igari. Even if I say touring, more than half of it was for work, but is it a very fun touring? have become. The day after the office teahouse cup, we will depart for Hamamatsu at 7:00. […]
Monday, Day 4 of the Catalonia Cup Monday, the day after the tournament. This day is an extra practice day. This is also a custom that I can’t say that we have in Japan. Today is also a weekday even in here Europe, but I feel like there are almost the same number of people […]
-Catalonia Cup Day 3, Sunday- Today it’s Catalonia Cup Tournament day. 9:00 a.m. Gathering at the venue Both management and the competitors are working together in preparing the course. In Japanese tournaments, management and competitors are 2 separate entities, but here the competitors are also involved in arranging the competition. Therefore, in order to maintain […]
ーCatalonia Cup Saturdayー 9:00 Gathering at the venue Second day of Catalonia Cup. This day was practice day #1. The meeting time was 9:00 a.m., so we were back at the Alcarras race track before 9:00 a.m. We started by setting up the course. First, we set up the course. Together with other racers, we […]
Hello. Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Jan, and I am in charge of international sales at SSB Factory. This time we were able to participate in the European Convention so wanted to share our experience. This is the first of its kind for us. First time at an European tournament I […]
ーカタロニアカップ4日目月曜日ー 大会の次の日の月曜日。この日はおまけのような練習日。これもまた日本にはない習慣ですね。 ヨーロッパでも今日は平日なんですが、昨日までとほぼ同じ人数がいる気がします。 数百キロ、数千キロ移動し、ここまでたどり着いた選手もいるので、せっかくならもう一日やりたい!っということで開催されるようになったそう。 平日にもかかわらずここまで大半の人が残れるというのは、日本とヨーロッパの労働環境の違いが感じられる部分かもしれません。
ーカタロニアカップ3日目 日曜日ー さて、いよいよカタロニアカップ大会当日です。 9:00 会場集合 今日も朝から、運営側と選手が一緒になってコースを整備します。 日本の大会では、運営と選手は完全に分かれていますが、この大会では運営に携わっている人も、選手としても出場します。 そのため、公平さを保つために走行コースは大会当日まで全員知らされていないとのことでした! 絶妙なバランスです。 今朝はとても寒く-2℃という寒さで霜が降りておりてました。
ーカタロニアカップ2日目 土曜日ー 9:00 会場集合 カタロニアカップ、2日目。この日は練習日です。 集合時間は朝9時だったので、9時前には再びアルカラスレース場へ。 まずはコースのセットアップ。他の選手とともに、パイロン並べていったり、砂利や砂を取り除きコースを作りました。
こんにちは。いつもご覧いただきありがとうございます。 SSBファクトリーの海外営業を担当しているJanと申します! 今回は、ヨーロッパ大会に初参加することが出来たので、備忘録としてその様子を綴っていきます。 ヨーロッパ大会初参戦!
The reception for the 1th match of the 2023 season is now open. Corona has also opened and the reception method has returned to the previous form. It will be in the form of transferring and enclosing the certificate. Hope that there will be more international pilots/players joining us this year as well. […]
We are currently developing a system to measure vehicle weight for the future. . Well, it’s not a big deal, but I think it will be useful for something in the future. I measured the weight of my vehicle by saying. This is the weight of the Z900 in a ready-to-run state. […]