I’ve been studying the Z900 bike since the latter half of last year, and from that data, I’ve redesigned the spring rate, final, and everything else. I took it to a practice session. When you actually run the vehicle that you have calculated on your desk, is the direction right? It’s an answer match. […]
In the previous article, I wrote about making the Z900 final long. Why didn’t you do the math yourself? It’s strange When I calculated the total final ratio of the Z900, it was 6 points shorter than the GSXS1000 I used to ride. I found out that the ZRX1200 is also 5 shorted (^-^; […]
It’s been 10 years since I went to an event at the bike shop Outban in Okinawa. During that time, I participated in the Okinawa Moto Gymkhana Tournament several times. However, it was a spot race, and the vehicles were Z650 and Z400 borrowed from Outvan. I’m over 60 and I’m a little further […]
The setup of the Z900 has progressed little by little. So far, we are looking at the balance between preload and spring rate while looking at the height of 0G and the balance between 1G and 1G’. I am studying the body and link characteristics of the Z900 so that I can raise the gymkhana […]
The Z900SE that I prepared for this season has been set up with the OEM rear suspension all the time. OEM can only adjust preload and elongation damper, so the setup range was very narrow Checking the overall balance and the characteristics around the link while trying to deceive something I’ve been doing the setup […]
Since I had nothing to do with the Z900, I tested the spring rate of the rear suspension. Since the normal was 100N Ohlins suspension and the preload was not applied much, This time, I set it up by pre-setting it with 90N. As for comparison with 100N, 90N is good for ease of […]
for Ducati Streetfighter 848 This time, I made SSB for Street Fighter 848. I had built a Ducati SSB before, but unlike the air-cooled Ducati, the engine was tightly packed inside the frame. The U-shaped bolt does not fit in, the radiator hose gets in the way, and although it is the same as […]
for Yamaha MT15 This time, I made SSB for MT15. This vehicle has a suspended engine, and there is almost no bolt to attach the lower side of the SSB. At the beginning of production, I was at a loss. Even if I remove the shroud, I can’t find a place where it can be […]
Since the Z900 rear suspension has not been completed, I practiced with the Z250SL for a while. If I don’t run with 900 soon, I’ll forget a lot of things, so I went to a practice session with 900. I prepared a genuine Z900RS link rod to test various things. If you insert the […]
I went to a practice session with Z250SL for a while during winter training and waiting for 900 rear suspension. In the first place, the handling is sharp, and it is a bit difficult to handle in gymkhana. If we set it up to match Gymkhana, we were able to put out quite good potential […]
I ran the Z250SL for the first time in a while at the Satokana training. Basically, it’s a Z250SL that I often lend to someone, so it’s a bike that I rarely ride all day long. This time, I spent a whole day getting used to the body and running while looking at the direction […]
Satokana training tomorrow. This is the first practice meeting of 2023. I plan to run with the Z900SE this season, but the setup has boiled down to some extent, and I can’t proceed unless the rear suspension I’m working on comes. I think I will run with Z250SL tomorrow. It’s been a long time since […]
2022 has been the worst year ever at the same time as I turned 60 years old. I got sick many times, went to the hospital, and had acute gastroenteritis and contracted coronavirus even at the destination, and it was really hard. In 2023, I want to get rid of the bad luck and have […]
By saying that the Okinawan bike shop Outban has become a distributor of the electric bike Energica I also had the opportunity to test drive the Energica. https://energica-moto.com/ It was around 12 degrees, which is pretty cold for Okinawa, and there was a strong wind, so I started running very carefully. There is no […]
I participated in the annual Ehime Dunlop Cup. This year is the first time for a full-fledged expedition due to continued poor physical condition. As usual, I took a ferry from Osaka Nanko and entered Ehime. Participate in the training the day before, check the feeling of the course, and the day of the […]
SSB will be closed from November 18th to 23rd to participate in the Ehime Dunlop Cup on November 20th. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please understand https://ssbfactory.seesaa.net/article/493558608.html
I participated in the final match of the 2022 season JAGE Cup Round 4. The weather was fine and it was a good day for the tournament. The setting of the Z900SE, or rather the balance, has become almost the best in the current normal situation, so I haven’t done it for a long time. […]
The Z900SE started setting up for Gymkhana in the latter half of September. There are two problems: the lack of damping in the front suspension, and the poor shape of the tank, which means that if you increase the steering angle, your hand will get caught in the tank. . The front suspension is in […]
About 2 months after purchasing the Z900SE, I decided to participate in the final round of Dunlop Round 5 for the first time in the Gymkhana setup for a month. With the current model, do gymkhana in a state where you can participate in self-propelled. . Observe the regulations and play gymkhana machines in fair […]
We have decided to enter the Z900SE in the next Dunlop Cup Round 5. Since I bought it in September, I have been setting it up little by little, but I finally decided to introduce it because I was able to run without embarrassment. As for the contents so far, changing the position, boiling down […]